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Text File | 1999-04-29 | 47.1 KB | 1,702 lines |
- object frmTableWizard: TfrmTableWizard
- Left = 343
- Top = 183
- BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biHelp]
- BorderStyle = bsDialog
- Caption = 'Tables Wizard'
- ClientHeight = 285
- ClientWidth = 417
- Color = clBtnFace
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
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- Font.Style = []
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- Position = poScreenCenter
- Scaled = False
- OnCreate = FormCreate
- PixelsPerInch = 96
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- object PageControl1: TPageControl
- Left = 0
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- ActivePage = tabFinish
- Align = alTop
- TabOrder = 0
- object tabIntro: TTabSheet
- Caption = 'tabIntro'
- TabVisible = False
- object Label5: TLabel
- Left = 127
- Top = 6
- Width = 266
- Height = 65
- Caption =
- 'If you look at the source of most Web pages on the internet toda' +
- 'y, they will contain tables. This is probably due to the relativ' +
- 'e positioning nature of HTML. That is, HTML is designed to posit' +
- 'ion objects (images, text etc.) relative to one another.'
- WordWrap = True
- end
- object Label7: TLabel
- Left = 128
- Top = 77
- Width = 270
- Height = 52
- Caption =
- 'The advantage is, content can be fitted to any browser page size' +
- '. The disadvantage is that the layout of the web page you design' +
- ' on your computer could look different on someone else'#39's machine' +
- '.'
- WordWrap = True
- end
- object Label15: TLabel
- Left = 128
- Top = 135
- Width = 267
- Height = 39
- Caption =
- 'Using tables you can, to some degree, force a browser to display' +
- ' your page content how you want it to be displayed.'
- WordWrap = True
- end
- object Label16: TLabel
- Left = 128
- Top = 179
- Width = 270
- Height = 52
- Caption =
- 'Note: One disadvantage of tables is that all images in a table m' +
- 'ust be fully loaded before they can be displayed. So it'#39's best n' +
- 'ot to put toolbar buttons in a table for instance.'
- WordWrap = True
- end
- object imgWizard: TPaintBox
- Left = 8
- Top = 7
- Width = 110
- Height = 225
- OnPaint = imgWizardPaint
- end
- end
- object tabLayout: TTabSheet
- Caption = 'P1SelectTable'
- TabVisible = False
- object Label2: TLabel
- Left = 10
- Top = 10
- Width = 102
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Select a table layout:'
- end
- object optClassicT: TRadioButton
- Left = 10
- Top = 42
- Width = 57
- Height = 16
- HelpContext = 152
- Caption = '&Classic'
- Checked = True
- TabOrder = 0
- TabStop = True
- end
- object Panel84: TPanel
- Left = 10
- Top = 58
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- Height = 70
- Caption = 'Panel84'
- TabOrder = 6
- object Panel85: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object Panel86: TPanel
- Left = 23
- Top = 0
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 1
- end
- object Panel2: TPanel
- Left = 69
- Top = 0
- Width = 26
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 2
- end
- object Panel3: TPanel
- Left = 46
- Top = 0
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 3
- end
- object Panel4: TPanel
- Left = 92
- Top = 0
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 4
- end
- object Panel11: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 17
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 5
- end
- object Panel12: TPanel
- Left = 23
- Top = 17
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 6
- end
- object Panel13: TPanel
- Left = 46
- Top = 17
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 7
- end
- object Panel14: TPanel
- Left = 69
- Top = 17
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 8
- end
- object Panel15: TPanel
- Left = 92
- Top = 17
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 9
- end
- object Panel57: TPanel
- Left = 92
- Top = 34
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 10
- end
- object Panel58: TPanel
- Left = 69
- Top = 34
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 11
- end
- object Panel59: TPanel
- Left = 46
- Top = 34
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 12
- end
- object Panel60: TPanel
- Left = 23
- Top = 34
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 13
- end
- object Panel61: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 34
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 14
- end
- object Panel62: TPanel
- Left = 92
- Top = 51
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 15
- end
- object Panel63: TPanel
- Left = 69
- Top = 51
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 16
- end
- object Panel64: TPanel
- Left = 46
- Top = 51
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 17
- end
- object Panel65: TPanel
- Left = 23
- Top = 51
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 18
- end
- object Panel66: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 51
- Width = 25
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 19
- end
- end
- object Panel6: TPanel
- Left = 146
- Top = 58
- Width = 117
- Height = 70
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 7
- object Panel202: TPanel
- Left = -2
- Top = 0
- Width = 119
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object Panel203: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 21
- Height = 70
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'Panel203'
- TabOrder = 1
- object Panel204: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 21
- Height = 23
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object Panel205: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 17
- Width = 21
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 1
- end
- object Panel206: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 34
- Width = 21
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 2
- end
- object Panel207: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 51
- Width = 21
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 3
- end
- end
- end
- object Panel5: TPanel
- Left = 279
- Top = 58
- Width = 117
- Height = 70
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 9
- object Panel17: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 34
- Width = 12
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'J'
- TabOrder = 5
- end
- object Panel7: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 117
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'Year'
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object Panel8: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 17
- Width = 31
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'Q1'
- TabOrder = 1
- end
- object Panel9: TPanel
- Left = 29
- Top = 17
- Width = 31
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'Q2'
- TabOrder = 2
- end
- object Panel10: TPanel
- Left = 58
- Top = 17
- Width = 31
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'Q3'
- TabOrder = 3
- end
- object Panel16: TPanel
- Left = 87
- Top = 17
- Width = 30
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'Q4'
- TabOrder = 4
- end
- object Panel18: TPanel
- Left = 10
- Top = 34
- Width = 11
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'F'
- TabOrder = 6
- end
- object Panel19: TPanel
- Left = 19
- Top = 34
- Width = 12
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'M'
- TabOrder = 7
- end
- object Panel20: TPanel
- Left = 48
- Top = 34
- Width = 12
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'J'
- TabOrder = 8
- end
- object Panel21: TPanel
- Left = 39
- Top = 34
- Width = 11
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'M'
- TabOrder = 9
- end
- object Panel22: TPanel
- Left = 29
- Top = 34
- Width = 12
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'A'
- TabOrder = 10
- end
- object Panel23: TPanel
- Left = 106
- Top = 34
- Width = 11
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'D'
- TabOrder = 11
- end
- object Panel24: TPanel
- Left = 97
- Top = 34
- Width = 11
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'N'
- TabOrder = 12
- end
- object Panel25: TPanel
- Left = 87
- Top = 34
- Width = 12
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'O'
- TabOrder = 13
- end
- object Panel26: TPanel
- Left = 77
- Top = 34
- Width = 12
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'S'
- TabOrder = 14
- end
- object Panel27: TPanel
- Left = 68
- Top = 34
- Width = 11
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'A'
- TabOrder = 15
- end
- object Panel28: TPanel
- Left = 58
- Top = 34
- Width = 12
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'J'
- TabOrder = 16
- end
- object Panel29: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 51
- Width = 12
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 17
- end
- object Panel30: TPanel
- Left = 10
- Top = 51
- Width = 11
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 18
- end
- object Panel31: TPanel
- Left = 19
- Top = 51
- Width = 12
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 19
- end
- object Panel32: TPanel
- Left = 29
- Top = 51
- Width = 16
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 20
- end
- object Panel33: TPanel
- Left = 39
- Top = 51
- Width = 11
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 21
- end
- object Panel34: TPanel
- Left = 48
- Top = 51
- Width = 12
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 22
- end
- object Panel35: TPanel
- Left = 58
- Top = 51
- Width = 12
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 23
- end
- object Panel36: TPanel
- Left = 68
- Top = 51
- Width = 11
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 24
- end
- object Panel37: TPanel
- Left = 77
- Top = 51
- Width = 12
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 25
- end
- object Panel38: TPanel
- Left = 87
- Top = 51
- Width = 12
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 26
- end
- object Panel39: TPanel
- Left = 97
- Top = 51
- Width = 11
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 27
- end
- object Panel40: TPanel
- Left = 106
- Top = 51
- Width = 11
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 28
- end
- end
- object Panel41: TPanel
- Left = 146
- Top = 159
- Width = 117
- Height = 70
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 10
- object Panel42: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 117
- Height = 14
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object Panel43: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 56
- Width = 117
- Height = 14
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 1
- end
- end
- object optToolBarT: TRadioButton
- Left = 145
- Top = 41
- Width = 59
- Height = 17
- HelpContext = 153
- Caption = '&Toolbar'
- TabOrder = 1
- end
- object optCalendarT: TRadioButton
- Left = 278
- Top = 41
- Width = 69
- Height = 17
- HelpContext = 154
- Caption = 'C&alendar'
- TabOrder = 2
- end
- object Panel44: TPanel
- Left = 279
- Top = 159
- Width = 117
- Height = 70
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 11
- object Panel45: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 24
- Height = 70
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object Panel46: TPanel
- Left = 93
- Top = 0
- Width = 24
- Height = 70
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 1
- end
- end
- object optPresentT: TRadioButton
- Left = 11
- Top = 142
- Width = 85
- Height = 17
- HelpContext = 155
- Caption = '&Presentation'
- TabOrder = 3
- end
- object optHeadFootT: TRadioButton
- Left = 146
- Top = 141
- Width = 119
- Height = 17
- HelpContext = 156
- Caption = '&Header and footer'
- TabOrder = 4
- end
- object optMarginT: TRadioButton
- Left = 278
- Top = 142
- Width = 53
- Height = 17
- HelpContext = 157
- Caption = '&Margin'
- TabOrder = 5
- end
- object Panel142: TPanel
- Left = 11
- Top = 159
- Width = 117
- Height = 70
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 8
- object Panel209: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 62
- Height = 19
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 1
- end
- object Panel208: TPanel
- Left = 60
- Top = 0
- Width = 57
- Height = 70
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- end
- end
- object tabDimensions: TTabSheet
- Caption = 'P2Calender'
- TabVisible = False
- object Label9: TLabel
- Left = 153
- Top = 75
- Width = 113
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Minimum &width of table:'
- FocusControl = txtTableWidth
- end
- object Label10: TLabel
- Left = 153
- Top = 100
- Width = 117
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Minimum &height of table:'
- FocusControl = txtTableHeight
- end
- object Label13: TLabel
- Left = 136
- Top = 133
- Width = 265
- Height = 41
- AutoSize = False
- Caption =
- 'Note: If you leave these values as zero the table will be insert' +
- 'ed as the smallest size possible to hold all the data inside it.'
- WordWrap = True
- end
- object Label14: TLabel
- Left = 152
- Top = 199
- Width = 91
- Height = 13
- Caption = '&Alignment of table:'
- FocusControl = cboTableAlignment
- end
- object Bevel1: TBevel
- Left = 132
- Top = 59
- Width = 268
- Height = 3
- end
- object pnlClassic: TPanel
- Left = 129
- Top = 0
- Width = 278
- Height = 51
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 6
- object Label11: TLabel
- Left = 12
- Top = 17
- Width = 68
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Rows in table:'
- end
- object Label12: TLabel
- Left = 158
- Top = 17
- Width = 44
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Columns:'
- end
- object spnClassicRows: TSpinEdit
- Left = 85
- Top = 13
- Width = 51
- Height = 22
- MaxValue = 100
- MinValue = 0
- TabOrder = 0
- Value = 2
- end
- object spnClassicCols: TSpinEdit
- Left = 207
- Top = 13
- Width = 50
- Height = 22
- MaxValue = 100
- MinValue = 0
- TabOrder = 1
- Value = 2
- end
- end
- object pnlToolBar: TPanel
- Left = 129
- Top = 0
- Width = 278
- Height = 57
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 7
- object Label46: TLabel
- Left = 5
- Top = 9
- Width = 209
- Height = 28
- AutoSize = False
- Caption =
- 'Enter the number of buttons do you want running down the left ma' +
- 'rgin of your table:'
- WordWrap = True
- end
- object spnToolBarButtons: TSpinEdit
- Left = 218
- Top = 12
- Width = 51
- Height = 22
- MaxValue = 30
- MinValue = 0
- TabOrder = 0
- Value = 5
- end
- end
- object pnlCalendar: TPanel
- Left = 129
- Top = 0
- Width = 278
- Height = 56
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 8
- object Label8: TLabel
- Left = 5
- Top = 9
- Width = 70
- Height = 26
- Caption = 'Select a calendar year:'
- WordWrap = True
- end
- object Label6: TLabel
- Left = 156
- Top = 9
- Width = 40
- Height = 26
- Caption = 'Number of rows:'
- WordWrap = True
- end
- object spnCalenderYear: TSpinEdit
- Left = 79
- Top = 12
- Width = 53
- Height = 22
- MaxValue = 3000
- MinValue = 1
- TabOrder = 0
- Value = 1997
- end
- object spnCalendarRows: TSpinEdit
- Left = 202
- Top = 13
- Width = 53
- Height = 22
- MaxValue = 100
- MinValue = 1
- TabOrder = 1
- Value = 6
- end
- end
- object pnlPresent: TPanel
- Left = 129
- Top = 0
- Width = 278
- Height = 56
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 9
- object Label49: TLabel
- Left = 2
- Top = 8
- Width = 260
- Height = 33
- AutoSize = False
- Caption =
- 'A presentation table is used to display pictures, with a heading' +
- ' and some related text. '
- WordWrap = True
- end
- end
- object pnlMargin: TPanel
- Left = 129
- Top = 0
- Width = 278
- Height = 53
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 10
- object Label47: TLabel
- Left = 1
- Top = 7
- Width = 270
- Height = 39
- AutoSize = False
- Caption =
- 'The margined table sets up a web page that is optimised for all ' +
- 'screen resolutions. The width of the table is normally set at 10' +
- '0%'
- WordWrap = True
- end
- end
- object pnlHeadFoot: TPanel
- Left = 129
- Top = 0
- Width = 278
- Height = 56
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 5
- object Label48: TLabel
- Left = 4
- Top = 7
- Width = 266
- Height = 45
- AutoSize = False
- Caption =
- 'Header and Footer tables are commonly used to display '#39'pages'#39' of' +
- ' information. Until content is placed in the table it will appea' +
- 'r flat.'
- WordWrap = True
- end
- end
- object cboWidthUnits: TComboBox
- Left = 352
- Top = 72
- Width = 50
- Height = 21
- HelpContext = 148
- Style = csDropDownList
- ItemHeight = 13
- Items.Strings = (
- 'Pixels'
- '%')
- TabOrder = 1
- end
- object cboHeightUnits: TComboBox
- Left = 352
- Top = 96
- Width = 50
- Height = 21
- HelpContext = 148
- Style = csDropDownList
- ItemHeight = 13
- Items.Strings = (
- 'Pixels'
- '%')
- TabOrder = 3
- end
- object cboTableAlignment: TComboBox
- Left = 304
- Top = 195
- Width = 94
- Height = 21
- HelpContext = 151
- Style = csDropDownList
- ItemHeight = 13
- Items.Strings = (
- 'None'
- 'Left'
- 'Center'
- 'Right')
- TabOrder = 4
- end
- object txtTableWidth: TSausEdit
- Left = 304
- Top = 72
- Width = 44
- Height = 21
- HelpContext = 149
- TabOrder = 0
- Text = '0'
- NumericOnly = True
- AllowDecimal = False
- DecimalPlaces = 0
- Max = 3000
- Min = 0
- Version = '1.4'
- FileGlyph = sgOpen
- RegStore = False
- end
- object txtTableHeight: TSausEdit
- Left = 304
- Top = 96
- Width = 44
- Height = 21
- HelpContext = 150
- TabOrder = 2
- Text = '0'
- NumericOnly = True
- AllowDecimal = False
- DecimalPlaces = 0
- Max = 4000
- Min = 0
- Version = '1.4'
- FileGlyph = sgOpen
- RegStore = False
- end
- end
- object tabColors: TTabSheet
- Caption = 'P3Borders'
- TabVisible = False
- object Label37: TLabel
- Left = 136
- Top = 8
- Width = 156
- Height = 26
- Caption = 'Select the size and colors of the borders around your table.'
- WordWrap = True
- end
- object Label38: TLabel
- Left = 144
- Top = 53
- Width = 81
- Height = 13
- Caption = '&Border Thickness'
- FocusControl = spnBorderThickness
- end
- object Label39: TLabel
- Left = 144
- Top = 96
- Width = 43
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Cell color'
- end
- object Label40: TLabel
- Left = 144
- Top = 128
- Width = 81
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Border color light'
- end
- object Label41: TLabel
- Left = 143
- Top = 160
- Width = 82
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Border color dark'
- end
- object btnColour: TSpeedButton
- Left = 320
- Top = 88
- Width = 25
- Height = 25
- Glyph.Data = {
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- 'he cells within the framework of the table.'
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- end
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- Left = 130
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- Caption =
- 'Cell &Padding is the amount of room around the data in each cell' +
- '.'
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- end
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- Left = 132
- Top = 16
- Width = 273
- Height = 33
- AutoSize = False
- Caption =
- 'To automatically insert text into each cell describing the cells' +
- ' row and column, click any of the boxes below.'
- WordWrap = True
- end
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- Left = 132
- Top = 56
- Width = 260
- Height = 26
- Caption =
- 'Commented text will not appear in the table when you preview it,' +
- ' while plain text will.'
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- Height = 17
- HelpContext = 142
- Caption = 'Insert &commented text'
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object cbxPlainText: TCheckBox
- Left = 175
- Top = 141
- Width = 97
- Height = 17
- HelpContext = 143
- Caption = 'Insert &plain text'
- TabOrder = 1
- end
- end
- end
- object Panel1: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 249
- Width = 417
- Height = 36
- Align = alBottom
- TabOrder = 1
- object FinishButt: TButton
- Left = 258
- Top = 6
- Width = 75
- Height = 25
- Caption = '&Finish'
- TabOrder = 3
- Visible = False
- OnClick = FinishButtClick
- end
- object BackButt: TButton
- Left = 182
- Top = 6
- Width = 75
- Height = 25
- Caption = '&<< Back'
- Enabled = False
- TabOrder = 0
- OnClick = BackButtClick
- end
- object CancelButt: TButton
- Left = 338
- Top = 5
- Width = 75
- Height = 25
- Cancel = True
- Caption = '&Cancel'
- TabOrder = 2
- OnClick = CancelButtClick
- end
- object NextButt: TButton
- Left = 258
- Top = 6
- Width = 75
- Height = 25
- Caption = 'Next >&>'
- TabOrder = 1
- OnClick = NextButtClick
- end
- object btnHelp: TButton
- Left = 4
- Top = 6
- Width = 75
- Height = 25
- Caption = '&Help'
- TabOrder = 4
- OnClick = btnHelpClick
- end
- end
- end